Monthly Archives: January 2014

My Experience on an Island


(I  was on a ship with my friend and his father, when suddenly, a terrible storm arrived and all were drowned. The ship broke into two parts, while I safely reached an island…………………….)

I was lying, with my eyes closed. I felt soft land. I turned and opened my eyes. I saw the vast blue sky. I stood up and my eyes sighted the ocean. I realized I was on an island. Only the ocean was visible, nothing else. The storm was still on. I sheltered myself below a tree’s shade. The waves covered almost the whole coast.

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Finally, the waves left. The storm was over. I had no idea about the South Sea Island. I had ought to be at my wonderful destination to enjoy myself. But unfortunately, it was not my day. I didn’t know where my dear friend was. I thought that he must have died. At least, I would be having a company if I were with him. Reaching on the main land, gave me a sigh of relief. Now, how do I make my way? I had no clothes, no food, no house, nothing at all. It was worst. I looked around me. The island was very huge. There was no way out except a ship or a plane. Not a soul was to be seen.

It was the worst day of my life. I hated it. My brain was urging me to get out. I shouted for help. My voice echoed. Again, I shouted, more strongly, but in vain. The echo was very clear. There was no answer or reply. I had to survive alone. There was no one with me. I didn’t know how to burn fire, make food, nothing at all. I decided to have a look around the island. The more forward I went, the more trees came into sight. Nothing was visible, except trees. But their shade and the fresh air gave a relieving and lively feeling. It made the atmosphere cool and nice. Suddenly, I discovered a staircase. A staircase, on an island in the middle of the ocean? Impossible!!! But it was there, right in front of my eyes. I decided to climb up and explore. It led me to the top of the island. How beautiful the scenery was! The sun was going to set and I was awfully hungry. I returned to the shore. I looked around for coconut trees, as there were the only thing that struck me to fill my stomach. I had no time to find fruits. Ah, yes! There were hundreds of them.

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I climbed up one of them and threw five to six coconuts down. I climbed down. I had taken them, but the question that made me doubt was, ‘How do I break it?’. There was no knife with me. I picked one and brought it down with all my might to the ground. Unsuccessful! I tried again and again. At last, at my fifth break, it broke open. Yes! I broke it! Lucky me! Bravo! Water of the coconut arrived from nowhere into my mouth, as even I didn’t realize when I picked up the coconut and drank its water. Now at least, I could drink coconut water when I would not get food. I started breaking all the coconuts and drank their water one by one.

I drank about eight coconuts in just ten minutes. I still felt a little hungry, but I could borne it. The sun was going to set. I had no flashlight, any damn little thing to produce light. What if a wild animal or insect come to attack me fiercely? I somehow managed to decide that I would sleep by that time. Again, I walked the steps of freedom, sadly, going on my track into the forest.

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I found the biggest tree in which there were thousands of big leaves. I took away the leaves of my size at the shore. I was thinking about me adventure, lying down on one of the leaves, nearly asleep. Was my friend safe, or I was just guessing wrong of being him dead? Who will arrive to save me? I was not able to sleep. I calmed myself and fell asleep.

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Pooooohhhhh! Pooooohhhhh! I woke up with a startled mind. I found myself in a furnished room, I, fully dressed in night gown. Where was I? Who brought me here? And what was that strange noise? Pooooohhhhh! Ah! Again that same noise. Sound’s like a ship’s noise. Was I in a ship?

I hurried out of the room. I was stunned, astonished, to find my self in a ship! Yeah! Hurrah! I was saved. Lucky! Suddenly, all the happiness flew out. The question was, Who brought me there? Were they pirates, or some smugglers, or who? I was very confused. I started walking on the track towards the deck. Somebody was standing on the deck. Who was he?

I jumped with joy and ran towards my dear friend who was with me on my ship. I hugged him firmly and discovered that he was too, on cloud 9. We spent some moments of joy. I learnt from him that he had come there, on the island where I was, in the search of his father and me. He was saved by his companions who brought a ship. He was far away from the South Sea Island. Fortunately, he found me on the island. Goo me to remain on the shore, or else my dear friend, never would have found me. I was safely departed from the ship to my country and arrived at my house safely. Then nothing troubled me and I slept peacefully.


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Posted by on January 30, 2014 in Stories


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Save The World


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The World is a beauty,

To them who love it.

The World was the best

When it was fit.



There was greenery

With lush green grass,

With trees to see

With so much mass.



There were birds and animals

Singing beautiful songs,

And running around in excitement

With giraffes long.



But what’s happening today?

The lush green grass are not seen

And the amounts of trees are less

That had been.



There are pollutions

To harm our big World’s size,

It’s hard to live

Oh! What a horrible life.



There is Global Warming

From which diseases cause,

The World is dying

Oh! What a great loss.



So many problems

That is harming us,

The animals are also suffering

And no insects to buzz.



This is our World now,

To which we should make a cure,

Everyone is suffering, including nature,

And we all say for sue:-)




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Posted by on January 29, 2014 in Poems


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Dear readers,

I have just received the news that my website has 4002 views!!!!!!!! It is all because of your support. Thank you all for continuously reading my website……………………………And I promise you all to upload more good, more entertaining and more interesting articles for you to read!!!!!!! Till then, keep reading my articles on my website……………THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nakshatra Sanjay Shah


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Posted by on January 29, 2014 in Uncategorized


Faster Than Light?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We all know that light is the fastest of all travels. But what are we hearing today? Something is faster than light! Can it be so?


How fast does light travel? Scientists have known for more than a hundred years that light always travels at the same speed: 299,792,458 metres per second, nearly 3 lakh km/sec.


The speed of light is part of Einstein’s famous theory of relativity:


That is why there was such a shock within the scientific community in the last week of 2011, when it was announced that a group of scientists has recorded some particles going faster than the speed of light!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Some neutrons have been measured travelling faster then light!!!! Scientists in Geneva sent a light beam 454 miles to a facility in Italy. The beam arrived a few billionths of a second faster than light!


That may not seem like much, but its enough to possibly disapprove a theory that has been around since 1904. If it is accurate, the law of physics will have to be changed.




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The Elocution Competition I Attended

The next day, I had my Elocution Competition. I pinned my faith on my father to write the speech. He was knee deep in at writing speeches. He gave me the speech I had to say. It was beautiful and on the other side, it was difficult to learn. I burned my midnight oil and started practicing because I wanted that by hook or by crook, the speech should be learnt perfectly by me. I was not distracted by anything and kept on learning the speech. Surprisingly, I did not even eat anything, I didn’t realize I was hungry until morning. I knew everything like the back of my hand. The next day arrived and I was on tenterhooks. I developed a cold feet, so I kept my fingers crossed. We had arrived at the spot of the competition. There were about fifty participants, and some of them were really challenging.

They started the competition on the given time. Other participants were making mistakes now and then, except for the ones who were really good at telling speeches. Nearly an hour later, they announced my name. My chance to start my speech had arrived. The floor of the stage was as slippery as a snake. I looked everywhere. What a crowd! I was astonished. There were fifty participants, but the crowd seemed as if there were hundreds of them. Three judges had their sharp and dangerous eyes rested on me. Everyone lent their ears to me. I was so nervous that I could not explain the feeling.

I was saying my speech when I was purposely distracted by a jealous participant, as he was green with envy with me. I acted as if he was not present there. Thank God! I did not stop or forget anything due to his distraction. Finally, I completed my speech. I had not stopped anywhere in between and had made no mistakes. Everyone appreciated me. I had a cake walk. I showed my true colours and came through flying colours. Everyone thought I was as clever as a chimpanzee. I was a pie in the sky. There were more eleven speeches after mine to be said. Then came the worst and the most nervous situation – the results. I had butterflies in my stomach and was extremely apprehensive. I just said,’Aal is Well’ to my heart and at once the tension for my results disappeared. Then they announced, “The first prize goes toooooo…………..Nakshatra Shah!” Was this what I heard? Did I hear the right words? Hundred  smiling faces stared at me. I immediately knew that yes, I was right. I had a cherry on the cake. I walked as proud as a peacock. I received a trophy. I was floating on the air and was at sixes and sevens. There was a feather on my cap. This was truly a great day for me.

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Posted by on January 27, 2014 in Real Stories


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My Nightmare

(From 1859 to 1947, India was under the rule of the Britishers. I am describing my nightmare that I was still under British Rule.)

I was sitting in my ruined hut, broken by the Britishers. My body was taped with bandages. Blood still flowed out of my cheeks. The Britishers were dreadful. They were so bad that I did not have a word to describe it. I was tired so I slept, with pain in my body.

The next day, I had loads of work. The Britishers had ordered me to do it. I had to pull a huge stone first.

I reached where the work was to be done. Many people had already reached there and were badly beaten by the cruel Britishers. I was handcuffed with a heavy metal loop and had to work wearing. It was so heavy that I could hardly able to lift a shovel wearing it. General Dier was present there, too. I  was pushed away from my place and was forcefully taken to a different place.

The huge stone was ready there, standing stiff in font of me. I think 85 bodies of mine could have had fit in it. It was three time bigger in height than me, and I was six feet tall. A chain had been fit with the stone. Other Indian men were also present to help me.

We were beaten by a wide chain as we were slow. But it was not our fault, the handcuffs were so heavy! They were so malevolent. The beating decreased my strength. I hadn’t eaten anything for three days. The Britishers beat us so much that now our bodies were bleeding.

Suddenly, the Britishers ran away, with weapons loaded in their hands. Not a British soul was seen. And then, to our amazement, we saw Rani Lakshmi Bai (She was one of the leading figures of the Indian Rebellion for 1857 and for Indian nationalists a symbol of resistance to the rule of the British East India Company in the subcontinent). She even talked with me! She told that she was in a hurry. She had come to rescue us.

Fortunately, we were saved and we followed her. As we were out, there Shivaji Maharaj (an Indian warrior king from 1674 to 1680) and a huge army stood and we were told to join them. Shivaji Maharaj? It was not possible for him to be there. And then an invisible lady’s voice from nowhere reached my ears. “Wake up! Wake up!” it said. And obviously, it was my mother waking me up for school. It was just a nightmare.

I was scared first but then heaved a sigh of relief when I woke up. It was a dreadful and horrible nightmare which was really unforgettable.

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Posted by on January 24, 2014 in Stories


A Day Without Electricity

25th July, 2007, was the worst day of my life. My father, mother and I spent most of that day without electricity. My area experienced a massive power outage that day due to heavy rain. That day was even interesting for us because we realized how dependent we are on all the things that run on electricity. My father, mother and I had a hard time. Unfortunately, the gas in the gas cylinder was over and we didn’t have an extra cylinder. We had an induction cooker but there was no electricity. Without this utility,, mother was not able to cook food. My father and I were not able to use either the telephone and mobiles at our house as the network had also not been available. We were also not able to watch the television. We were unable to help ourselves even with a cup of tea.

Without power, my regular routine and evening activities were greatly affected. There was no network but there was a restaurant nearby. My father had to change all his clothes after returning from the restaurant bringing our food as he was wet from head to toe, even after wearing a raincoat. We ate cold food. Without network, our neighbours and we went door-to-door sharing news of the outage and sharing flashlights. We passed our time by playing cards in candlelight. Then we played board games and enjoyed ourselves very much. The day was becoming a great day for me. We played many games after that too. We went to bed early, and got up earlier the following morning. We felt refreshed. The rain was over. The network and electricity had returned. This whole experience shows how much dependent we are on electricity. I realized that rather than playing PSP, watching television or surfing the internet, we can have an enjoyable time with family. It might be interesting living a whole day without power but with family. 25 July was an unforgettable day for me. That day taught me that living without power is a kind of empowerment.

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Posted by on January 24, 2014 in Stories


Going Around The Country On Bicycle(Part 2)

It was the day of departure and end of boring time. I packed everything and rode in the direction of school, waving my parents goodbye. We all had combined our savings and had enough money for the trip. We met at our secret place. “Ready?” “Always!” I said,”Let’s see the map and our schedule first. I took out the map and one of my friends took out the pages of our schedule. I said, pointing on the places on the map,”Our first destination would be Silvassa. We will check our route now and then. Jay, I hand over this map to you.”I handed out a map that showed route to Silvassa. “Keep it in the front basket of your cycle. Keep checking the route and guide us. We should reach there by 1:00 pm today.. We will be resting in the hotel near Kasa.” I then enquired about all the arrangements. At sharp 7:00 am we started our journey.

It was an extremely wonderful day. The air felt cool and we all were riding fast and together. After we crossed the city, we experienced the beautiful scenery of all places. We halted at some of them. Once we saw a waterfall and immediately, we all jumped in the water. It was fun. We enjoyed, but at the same time, we had to be punctual and follow our schedule. We were a little late by then. We reached Silvassa at 2:30 pm. We were late!

We stayed there in a resort for a few hours and roamed around Silvassa. We had delicious lunch there.

Our next stop was Ahmedabad. On our way, we saw the Vansda National Park. It took us  4 days for reaching there. We passed our nights at Surat, Bharuch and Vadodra. We reached Ahmedabad at 9 pm on the 5th of May. We wandered there till late night and helped ourselves with pizzas for dinner. The next day, we left for Jaipur. It was a long distance reaching there. At 9 am on the 9th of May, we finally approached there. We strolled there for six hours and then left for Agra at 6 pm.

The following day, at about 12 noon, we went to see The Taj Mahal in Agra. It was the best monument I ever saw in my life. We all got fascinated by that. Agra was a good place to explore.

Then was Delhi, Dehradun, Nainital, Lucknow, Sikkim, Kolkatta, Raipur, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kodaikanal, Kanyakumari, Mysore, Bangalore, Pune and finally, Mumbai. We had returned. It was the 10th of June. We reached according to our schedule.

We had gone around the country on bicycles. What a wonderful trip it was! We waved to each other farewell and reached our dear homes. As I reached my home, I was astonished to find my parents standing outside the house They were angry. They had knew about the plan somehow.

“Wake up!” Oh God! It was dream. I was relieved or else I would have had got a good scold!!!!!


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Posted by on January 23, 2014 in Stories


Going Around The Country On Bicycle(Part 1)


I was in Standard VII. It was summer and we all friends had no enjoyment throughout the vacations. Just one month and a few days were left for the vacations. We were 11 boys and called ourselves ‘The Adventurers’. We thought about ‘mad’ ideas and always had an adventure. We did not leave even one holiday for rest. We had too many adventures. Finding treasures, exploring the city were old ways of adventuring. We did dangerous things and enjoyable activities like scaring each other at midnight in a faraway forest, jump from the mountain in a river and race to swim till the shore, make a playhouse for ourselves, I mean a ‘TEENAGE’ playhouse. Ideas just kept entering our minds every time. But this time, we were blank, and we thought that we had tried each and every other idea.

My friends and I were relaxing in my backyard. My mother brought ice-creams for us and we all jumped upon it. We all felt cool and nice. When my mom was gone, I sat on my ‘Getting Ideas Sofa’ and started thinking. My friends also were disappointed on not getting an idea. Suddenly, a mad idea struck me. I stood up in a flash with beaming face. All stood up as they knew something had struck me. I said,”Hey friends, we have just one month and a few days left and we want to enjoy it fully. So,umm…I think that…Let’s go around the country on bicycle!” All stopped dead after hearing this and twenty eyes looked at me in amazement and astonishment. But one of them replies,”Your idea is out of the world, but we have only 30 days, it’s not possible. And how will we convince our parents?”

I said,”Wrong! We have 40 days as our school reopens on the 12th of next month. If we make proper arrangements in a systematic way, we can go around most of the famous places. And your question of convincing our parents has an easy solution.”

“What is it?” everyone asked.

“I will tell, but I want everyone’s agreement.”

Everyone nodded and immediately I suggested my plan to them. All of them found it to be a good idea. We even planned about how we would travel. The plan was simple, all we had to do is: Our school was going on an educational tour on the first day of the month. There were two days to go. We had to tell our parents that we would be going on the trip and would pay the fees from our pocket money. Even, our school was closed in the month due to some problem so there would be no facility for our parents to converse there and ask if we were telling the truth. We had to hide our bicycles at our secret point the night before the trip. The plan was successful and all of us were ready on the morning of 1st May, to begin our adventure around the country, on a BICYCLE…

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Posted by on January 23, 2014 in Stories


Should Women Take Up Jobs or Only MANAGE HOMES?


Earlier, women were not given any education and they had to only manage homes. In spite of the fact that women have played more vital role in the society, thousands of people still impose many outdated points of view on them. One of the most typical examples is the married woman should not take up jobs and only look after their children. I DO NOT AGREE to these sentiments.

There is no doubt that women are better in doing household chores and looking after their children than men. They are not only a mother but also a crony of their children, who can share their feelings, make delicious food and take care of their children carefully. However, it does not mean that women are not capable of doing social work. Suppose that half of the world have to stay home for their spouse everyday, how odd the life would be! In fact, there are many professions man cannot perform as well as women- such as those of receptionists, air hostesses, customer care executives, telephone operators and so on. On the other hand, it is said, ‘Men build the house and women make it home.’ If the women cannot generate income, they will completely depend on their husbands. If something suddenly happens to the man, what would they do? How would they help themselves?

Both men and women should take responsibility of bringing up their children. And women have the right to get their favourite job. Hence, I support the view, ‘Women Should Take Up Jobs’.

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Posted by on January 23, 2014 in Personal Opinions