Tag Archives: Einstein

Faster Than Light?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We all know that light is the fastest of all travels. But what are we hearing today? Something is faster than light! Can it be so?


How fast does light travel? Scientists have known for more than a hundred years that light always travels at the same speed: 299,792,458 metres per second, nearly 3 lakh km/sec.


The speed of light is part of Einstein’s famous theory of relativity:


That is why there was such a shock within the scientific community in the last week of 2011, when it was announced that a group of scientists has recorded some particles going faster than the speed of light!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Some neutrons have been measured travelling faster then light!!!! Scientists in Geneva sent a light beam 454 miles to a facility in Italy. The beam arrived a few billionths of a second faster than light!


That may not seem like much, but its enough to possibly disapprove a theory that has been around since 1904. If it is accurate, the law of physics will have to be changed.




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